The Pitch Pipe

A long time ago I used to sing with various groups – in high school, college, churches, and others. Many times we would sing acapella, meaning without any instruments to accompany us. In most cases we sang four parts or more, unlike today’s trend of singing unison. I miss the four-part harmonies, which were a standard part of the old hymns we used to sing every week in churches.

One of the problems with singing acapella was starting on the right notes, and another was staying on pitch. The key to starting on the right notes was someone playing a note, such as a C, from an instrument that provided a true and consistent starting pitch. That ensured we all started on the same note or in the correct key. Otherwise, if we all just began to sing at the same time, it might sound awful, rather than pleasant to those in range to hear it. After we all started on the right note, we had to listen to each other to stay on the right pitch.

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